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howtos:toolcoding:good_practices [2010/11/05 15:16]
deryn.crockett created
howtos:toolcoding:good_practices [2010/11/08 16:46]
Line 20: Line 20:
 With this method changes to the time sequence will be automatically inherited because the sequence start and end years are derived dynamically. ​ Also, this method will still work if new dimensions are added to myTimeObj because the getobjinfo statement explicitly looks for the dimension time regardless of whether it is the first dimension. With this method changes to the time sequence will be automatically inherited because the sequence start and end years are derived dynamically. ​ Also, this method will still work if new dimensions are added to myTimeObj because the getobjinfo statement explicitly looks for the dimension time regardless of whether it is the first dimension.
 +===== Consolidate Objects Using Sum Instead of Insert =====
 +Object consolidation is when multiple objects are combined into one along a certain dimension. ​ In this example, we will create an object fuelUseAll[tm],​ where dimension tm is transportation mode (air, rail, car).  Assuming that we have calculated the fuel use for each mode so that we have the objects airFuelUse[],​ railFuelUse[],​ and carFuelUse[],​ we can create fuelUseAll[tm] in two ways:
 +  - <​code>​fuelUseAll[tm] = insert (airFuelUse[];​ transMode:​air)
 +fuelUseAll[tm] = insert (railFuelUse[];​ transMode:​rail)
 +fuelUseAll[tm] = insert (carFuelUse[];​ transMode:​car)</​code>​
 +  - <​code>​local airFuelUseAll[tm] = copyshape (fuelUseAll[tm])
 +local railFuelUseAll[tm] = copyshape (fuelUseAll[tm])
 +local carFuelUseAll[tm] = copyshape (fuelUseAll[tm])
 +airFuelUseAll[tm] = insert (airFuelUse[];​ transMode:​air)
 +railFuelUseAll[tm] = insert (railFuelUse[];​ transMode:​rail)
 +carFuelUseAll[tm] = insert (carFuelUse[];​ transMode:​car)
 +fuelUseAll[tm] = airFuelUseAll[tm] + railFuelUseAll[tm] + carFuelUseAll[tm]
 +Method 2 is the recommended method for consolidating objects. ​ The main advantage is that with method 2 if airFuelUse[],​ railFuelUse[],​ or carFuelUse[] were empty objects, this would be detected when trying to view fuelUseAll[tm]. ​ With method 1, an empty object would not necessarily be detected when viewing fuelUseAll[tm]. ​ If railFuelUse[] were empty, the values for rail in fuelUseAll would just become 0 after carFuelUse[] is inserted so the empty object would go undetected.
 +===== Variable description and name conventions =====
 +Stub: best practices for variable naming, esp. locals FIXME
 +It is generally recommended that variable names use the [[http://​​wiki/​CamelCase|lower camel case]] convention. However, in some cases the use of additional underscores for coding clarity is appropriate (especially for procedures, views and source datasets).
 +Variable description modifiers should be used as suffixes, rather than prefixes (e.g. //dwelling unit share// rather than //share of dwelling units//). The same is true for variable names, but for these modifier abbreviations are recommended to keep name lengths manageable (e.g. ''​dwellUnitShr''​). A table of suggested abbreviations is provided below:
 +^ Descriptor ^ Abbreviation ^
 +| share | Shr |
 +| intensity | Int |
 +| rate | Rt |
 +| efficiency | Eff |
 +| plan | Plan |
 +| actual | Act |
 +Local variables in a procedure or view can proliferate as a result of reorder(), sum(), etc. operations. For code readability it is recommended that local variables created from a modelbase variables be named using the modelbase variable name followed by underscore and a meaningful descriptor. For example:
 +local population_tot[ts] = sum (population[s,​ts,​a];​ dim1=sex, dim2=age)
 +Using underscores can also improve code readability when dealing with raw datasets, especially in calibrator frameworks (e.g. ''​CANSIM_Manitoba_imm_1991_2006''​).
howtos/toolcoding/good_practices.txt ยท Last modified: 2011/06/17 18:42 by chris.strashok