====== Model loading: When you have a simulator AND calibrator ====== ===== Prepare for loading from inside Documenter ===== -Ensure the calibrator and simulator diagrams are synchronized -Open the calibrator and simulator diagrams in Documenter -In the simulator diagram, run one calculator forward -In the calibrator diagram, touch the informants and measures to trigger the model to output the informants -Go into any one informant under the informants tab and click OK -Go into any measure under the measures tab and click OK -Note: The calibrator versions of the informants and measures are the authority versions and the simulator ones may get out of sync -In the calibrator diagram, run all calculators forward -In the simulator diagram, run all calculators forward -In the simulator diagram, run all calculators backward -In the simulator diagram, create the loading files for SAMM -Choose menu item SAMM > Loading files > Framework... -Click "simulator with calibrator" button -Make sure the "informants" check box is OFF!! -Click OK -In the calibrator diagram, create the loading files for SAMM -Choose menu item SAMM > Loading files > Framework... -Click "calibrator" button -Make sure the "informants" check box is ON!! -Click OK ===== Load model inside SAMM ===== -Open SAMM and login under model account -Create a new model family -Choose menu item MF Actions > Create OR right click in Model Families window and choose Create -"MB name" should be a string with no spaces or strange characters. It is often related to the ModelBase name in the root of the model but it does not have to be. -Fill in an English description. -Click OK -Enter the Model Family by double clicking on it. A check mark appears in the Model Families window. -Setup the default file path -Choose menu item File > Set File Path... -This is a unix style path so use forward slashes and direct it to the location of the simulator files (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/sim) -Load the simulator and calibrator frameworks -Choose menu item FW Actions > Load OR right click and select Load (note the location is what you set in step 4) -MB name: MUST be the model base name from the root of the simulation diagram, give it the description “sim” -Click OK to load the simulation framework -Choose menu item File > Set File Path... and direct it to the location of the calibrator files (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/cal) -Choose menu item FW Actions > Load OR right click and select Load again -Enter the MB name from the calibration diagram, and enter "cal" as the description -Activate the calibration framework check box -Click OK to load the calibration framework -Load informants -Choose menu item Windows > Informants -Choose menu item Informant Actions > Load OR right click in Informants window and select Load -Ensure the file path points to the cal location (the path should read something like /models/tcteem/V5/cal/informs.samm) -Click OK to load the informants ===== Run Calibration to Produce a History ===== This part of the process depends on your individual model. By convention we keep a loading recipe in the notes for the root node in the diagram. In Documentor right click on the root node and go to Properties, then choose the notes button. Here's a template of how to run the recipe and produce a hisotry: -Load the views in the views window -Setup the default file path to the views directory (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/cal/views) -Choose menu item View Actions > Load OR right click and select Load -Follow the recipe which will likely involve loading a source history, running some feedback views and saving scenarios as you go and the final one will be your tracking history. -Evaluate history ins for your tracking history - this prepares all the calibrator inputs and data needed for the simulator to be run over historic time -Right click on the tracking history scenario in the scenarios window and choose "Evaluate history inputs" -Evaluate history outputs for your tracking history - this runs the simulator frame work over historic time and produces the history scenario -Right click on the tracking history scenario in the scenarios window and choose "Evaluate history outputs" -Name your historic scenario, we usually just use the name "history" - this will show up in the simulation frame work ====== Model loading: When you have a simulator ONLY ====== ===== Prepare for loading from inside Documenter ===== -Open the simulator diagram in Documenter -Touch the informants and measures to trigger the model to output the informants -Go into any one informant under the informants tab and click OK -Go into any measure under the measures tab and click OK -Run all calculators forward -Run all calculators backward -Create the loading files for SAMM -Choose menu item SAMM > Loading files > Framework... -Click "simulator with calibrator" button -Select the "informants" check box so that check box is ON -Click OK ===== Load model inside SAMM ===== -Open SAMM and login under model account -Create a new model family -Choose menu item MF Actions > Create OR right click in Model Families window and choose Create -"MB name" should be a string with no spaces or strange characters. It is often related to the ModelBase name in the root of the model but it does not have to be. -Fill in an English description. -Click OK -Enter the Model Family by double clicking on it. A check mark appears in the Model Families window. -Setup the default file path -Choose menu item File > Set File Path... -This is a unix style path so use forward slashes and direct it to the location of the simulator files (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/sim) -Load the simulator framework -Choose menu item FW Actions > Load OR right click and select Load (note the location is what you set in step 4) -MB name: MUST be the model base name from the root of the simulation diagram, give it the description “sim” -Load informants -Choose menu item Windows > Informants -Right click and select Load (path should be correct because of 5c) -Adjust the file location if it is incorrect (should be something like /models/tcteem/V5/sim/informs.samm)