Make this article clearer FIXME Code to create the sub-shares: custCenAgeSubShares[s,byrs,acc->a] = norm (mapcat (popInDwell_hist[s,byrs,a]; \ category=ageCustomCensusCOage); dim=ageCustomCensusCOage@ageCustomCensus) where age is a sequence from 0 to 100 in single year steps and the ageCustomCensus set contains: 0-10 11-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65Plus Code to apply the sub-shares: local popInDwellDetPlan_cat[pz,s,byrs,acc->a] = customCensusPop2[pz,s,byrs,acc] * custCenAgeSubShares[s,byrs,acc->a] popInDwellDetBS[pz,s,a] = shrink (sum (mapcat (popInDwellDetPlan_cat[pz,s,byrs,acc->a]; dim=ageCustomCensusCOage); \ dim=ageCustomCensus))