====== User Training Exercises - Solutions, Hints & Notes ====== ===== Demographics ===== - See variable -> graph for ''bioPhysical/demographics/population/population[s,ts,a]'' - Drag time dimension to x-axis - Sum over age dimension - Select "male" in sex dimension - Select "female" in sex dimension ===== Residential Buildings ===== - Run the view "report energy use at various aggregations" - Choose option 1 (No questions just take all defaults) - When the graph appears, find the line for electricity - See variable -> graph for ''bioPhysical/energyUse/residentialStocks/resHeatSystems/newHeatSysShr[z,dtta,hs,ts]'' - See variable -> graph for ''bioPhysical/energyUse/residentialStocks/resWaterHeaters/newWatHeaterShrAct[z,dtta,wht->ft_dwh,ts]'' ===== Non-Residential Buildings ===== - Two solutions: - See variable -> table for ''bioPhysical/energyUse/consStatEnergyUse/comInstEnergyUse[z,nrbs,seeu,ft_all,ts]'' * Sum over zone, nonResBldSector, and fuelTypeAll * Select spaceCooling from statEnrEndUse dimension - Run the view "report energy use at various aggregations" * Choose option 2 (Run interactively asking questions) * Accept default values for all questions except: * For "Which result do you you want to see?", choose option 3 (energy custom with end uses) * For "How do you wish to handle fuel types?", choose option 1 (Roll fuel types together) * View data for aggSubSectorsEnr=Commercial, aggStationaryEndUse=Space_Cooling, time=2050 - ''bioPhysical/energyUse/buildingsEnergyUse/nonResBldSecEnrUse/NSCEnruseEff[nrbs,ceeunsc->cft,ts5]'' ===== Transportation ===== - Run the view "Analysis - transportation fuel use and stock report" * Choose option 2 (vehicle stock report) * Choose option 2 (Report data using Table) * Answer "y" to "Do you want to report by engine class electric?" * Choose option 1 (light duty vehicles) * From Window menu in table, select "new and fleet Light duty vehicle stock by size share)" * Drag the dimension LDVClass to the rows * Choose LDVSector=personalUseLDV - See variable -> graph for ''bioPhysical/energyUse/transportEnergyUse/PUVehEU/LDVehLabFuelCons[rut,ldvc,vpsld->ft_veh,mys]'' - See variable -> graph for ''bioPhysical/energyUse/transportEnergyUse/PUVehEU/PUVehAFC[rut,ldvc,vpsld->ft_veh,ts,va]'' ===== Electricity Generation ===== - See variable -> table for ''bioPhysical/communityEnergySupply/commElecGen/commDecentElecGenCap[z,degs,degtc->degt->ft_det,ts]'' * Sum over zone, decElecGenSector, and degtcCOdegtCOft_det - See variable -> graph for ''bioPhysical/communityEnergySupply/commElecGen/commDecentElecGen[z,degs,degtc->degt->ft_det,er,ts]'' * Drag degtcCOdegtCOft_det to legend * Sum over zone, decElecGenSector, and energyRoute * Identify the technology that corresponds to the line with the highest generation - See variable -> table for ''bioPhysical/communityEnergySupply/commElecGen/commDecentElecGenCapFac[z,degtc->degt->ft_det,ts]'' * Find technology in the degtcCOdegtCOft_det dimension ===== Emissions ===== - Run the view "report emissions at various aggregations" with two scenarios selected * Choose option 1 (No questions just take all defaults) * Sum over aggSubSectorsEm and GPCScope