====== Key CityInSight Views ====== | **Action Views** || | Action - New residential thermal demand | Introduce new building code energy use improvements in residential buildings || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| How would you like to specify electricity savings per building? | **1) passive house standard (15 kWh / yr)** \\ 2) 2) percent improvement per five years | |:::| Table: Please enter 1 for each dwelling type to which building code applies || |:::| Table: Please enter annual uptake rate for each year || | Action - New commercial thermal demand | Introduce new building code energy use improvements in non-residential buildings || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| How would you like to specify electricity savings per building? | **1) passive house standard (15 kWh / yr)** \\ 2) 2) percent improvement per five years | |:::| Table: Please enter 1 for each building type to be retrofitted|| |:::| Table: Please enter annual uptake rate for each year || | Action - Retrofit homes | Introduce energy use improvements in existing residential buildings || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Table: Please enter 1 for each dwelling type to be retrofitted || |:::| Table: Please enter 1 for each year built to be retrofitted || |:::| How would you like to specify the number of buildings to be retrofitted? | 1) Specify fraction of buildings per year through a table \\ **2) Retrofit rate increases exponentially until all historical stock is retrofitted** | |:::| Please enter the year in which retrofits will begin | default = 2018 | |:::| Please enter the year in which retrofits will stop | default = 2050 | |:::| Please enter percent of available buildings to be retrofitted by end year | default = 100% | |:::| How would you like to specify electricity savings per building? | 1) specify electricity savings in absolute units (kWh / yr) \\ **2) specify electricity savings as percent** | |:::| Please enter the target annual electricity percent savings per building (%) | default = 7 | |:::| Please enter the target percent reduction in thermal demand per building (%) | default = 8 | | Action - Retrofits ICI sector | Introduce energy use improvements in existing non-residential buildings || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Table: Please enter 1 for each building type to be retrofitted || |:::| How would you like to specify the amount to be retrofitted? | 1) fraction of buildings \\ **2) Retrofit rate increases exponentially until all historical stock is retrofitted** | |:::| How would you like to specify electricity savings per building? | 1) specify electricity savings in absolute units (kWh / yr) \\ **2) specify electricity savings as percent** | |:::| Please enter the target annual electricity percent savings per building (%) | default = 7 | |:::| Please enter the target percent reduction in thermal demand per building (%) | default = 8 | | Action - Industrial efficiency | Improve industrial fuel use efficiency || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| How would you like to specify industrial efficiency? | 1) Efficiency gains by fuel type \\ **2) Efficiency gains by end use** | |:::| Table: Please enter the efficiency improvement percent (%) || | Action - PV ground mount | Add solar power capacity to community | | |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Table: Please enter MW of PV generation in the zones required || | Action - PV Solar Net Metered | Add solar power capacity to existing dwellings and non-residential buildings| | |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Table: Please enter the annual Residential uptake rate for each year || |:::| Table: Please enter the annual Residential load covered on site for each year || |:::| Table: Please enter the annual Non-Residential uptake rate for each year || |:::| Table: Please enter the annual Non-Residential load covered on site for each year || | Action - Wind power | Add wind power capacity to community || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Table: Please enter MW of wind generation in the zones required || | Action - electrify personal LD vehicles | Specify EV adoption horizon (market share) || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| What is your target year for 100% of new vehicle sales to be EV? | default = 2045 | |:::| What is your transition duration (years)? | default = 20 | | Action - electrify commercial LD vehicles | Specify EV adoption horizon (market share) || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| What is your target year for 100% of new vehicle sales to be EV? | default = 2045 | |:::| What is your transition duration (years)? | default = 20 | | Action - increase walk mode share | Increase walk mode share for walkable trips within distance threshold (2km) || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| What fraction of non-active walkable trips do you want to convert to walk trips? | default = 0.5 | | **Model-Wide Summaries** || | Report Emissions | Report emissions for each sector and fuel type. Total emissions are reported in relation to an 80% by 2050 emissions reductions target. || | Report Energy | Report energy use for each sector and fuel type. Includes demand side local energy production fuel use. || | **End use sectors** || | Analysis - Buildings | Choropleth maps of building-related state and growth || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| 1) geomap residential building density | Choropleth maps of dwelling unit densities. Total (state) and accumulated new. \\ Single-scenario support only. | |:::| 2) geomap non residential floorspace density | Choropleth maps of non-residential floorspace densities. Total (state) and accumulated new. \\ Single-scenario support only. | | Analysis - Passenger Transportation Demand | Various passenger transportation results and statistics || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| 2) personal transportation summary | Displays graphs and then tables of: \\ - Daily person trips \\ - Mode Share \\ - Average vehicle trip length by purpose \\ - Average vehicle trip length \\ - Annual passenger VKT by purpose geographic (75% ext) \\ - Annual passenger VKT by purpose induced (50% ext) \\ - Average annual passenger VKT per resident vehicle | |:::| 3) geomap mode shares | Choropleth maps of mode share of trip ends. Internal trips only. \\ Single-scenario support only. | |:::| 5) geomap passenger VKT | Choropleth maps of: \\ - home-based VKT by zone from \\ - home-based VKT per capita by zone from. \\ Internal trips only. \\ Single-scenario support only. | /*| Analysis - buildings by year built | Provides a breakdown of the number of buildings, dwelling units, and floorspace by zone, type, and year built in a series of tables. || */ /* | Analysis - transportation fuel use and stock report | FIXME Marcus to put in steps for stock report || */ | **Sensitivity** || | Sensitivity - Adjust new residential buildings | Increase or decrease the number of new residential buildings || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| What is the target percent change? | Specify a positive percent to increase to increase buildings and a negative percent to decrease buildings from target | | Sensitivity - Adjust new non residential buildings | Increase or decrease the number of new non residential buildings || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| What is the target percent change? | Specify a positive percent to increase to increase buildings and a negative percent to decrease buildings from target | | Sensitivity - Track adjusted population | Increase or decrease the population of the municipality || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Do you wish to adjust external student enrollment to track on target population? | Allows you to include external student in target population | |:::| Table: Enter target percent change relative to background scenario. || | Sensitivity - Change heating degree days | Adjust heating degree days to explore the effects on energy consumption in the municipality || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Fix at last year of history || |:::| Decrease by 10% by 2040 relative to background scenario || | Sensitivity - Increased or reduced trip demand (all trip types) | Adjust the trip demand for all trips types in the municipality. || |:::| //**view options**// | |:::| Enter percent change of trip rates by 2051 || | Sensitivity - 45 pct EVs by 2050 | Adjust stock of vehicles to be 45% EVs by 2050. ||