====== Git Quick Reference Card ====== Git cheat sheet. Full [[https://git-scm.com/docs|documentation]]. ===== Add, commit & push ===== git status git add -A git commit -m "JD - commit server work" git pull origin master git push origin master To provide a detailed message and description from the command line: ''git commit''. Then ''Insert'' key. Commented ''#'' lines are ignored. First line is the summary; subsequent lines are the detailed description. Then ''ESC'' key. Close the editor with '':wq'' (w - write, q - quit) and ''Enter'' key. [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16122234/how-to-commit-a-change-with-both-message-and-description-from-the-command-li|source]] ===== Variations ===== See modifications within the current directory. git status . Recursively add files in working directory and subdirectories (new, modified, deleted). git add -A . Push with force. Use with caution. git push --force origin master Pull with forced overwrite [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1125968/how-do-i-force-git-pull-to-overwrite-local-files|link]]: git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/master ===== Stash ===== git stash Records the current state of the working directory. This command saves your local modifications away and reverts the working directory to match the HEAD commit. [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1260748/how-do-i-remove-a-submodule|How to remove a submodule]] ===== Checkout ===== Reset file foo to HEAD. Stackoverflow [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/215718/how-can-i-reset-or-revert-a-file-to-a-specific-revision|link1]] git checkout -- foo