====== whatIf? Modelling Platform ====== Introduction here. No more than 3 brief paragraphs. Keyword: Socio-economic domain. Select some suitable images, diagrams and code samples. "Vital Stats" box. Common fields are: Developer, Stable Release, Written in, Operating System, Type, License, Website. See [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AnyLogic]] for example. ===== History ===== Statcan. Founders and genesis of software. Nature of projects for which it was developed. ===== Platform Architecture ===== Components and features. Decide whether to break TOOL out into its own article...? ===== Notable models ===== SERF, ASSF, CanTEEM, PLUM, etc... Not sure if this will be "allowed" here. ===== See Also ===== ===== References ===== ===== External Links ===== We may not need all these categories. Trim as required.