Key CanESS Views

Key CanESS views are listed as follows.

Modelbase Name View Description Comments
Model-Wide Summaries
enrAndEmOverview energy and emissions overview Displays summary graphs of energy use, GHG emissions and GHG emissions intensity by province, sector and other dimensions.
emissionsRpt report net emission in CO2 at various aggretations Useful for comparing projected emissions to various targets.
energyRpt energy use at various user specified aggregations
Drivers - Demographics & Economy
demogRpt REVIEW demography report Displays graphs of various demographic variables and indicators.
End use sectors
resSecEnrUseRpt REVIEW residential end use report Includes: fuel use, intensity and shares; dwellings and type share; dwellings and thermal archetype distribution
transSecEnrUseRpt REVIEW transportation fuel use and stock report Includes: fuel use, intensity, and shares; vehicle stock report.
LDVFCReport EXTERNAL_CMP light duty vehicle fuel consumption report compare to CAFC Shows average LDV fuel consumption by car / light truck.
comSecEURpt REVIEW commercial end use report
indNFSSecEURpt REVIEW industrial Non-Fuel Sector sector EU Report
Energy Production
elecAnalysis REVIEW electricity analysis Option 3 for capacity, generation and capacity factor data.