Table of Contents

Setting up Accounts on a new VM


Add user

useradd -s /bin/csh -c "Buddy Boy user account" -d /users/bboy bboy
passwd bboy
smbpasswd -a bboy
/etc/init.d/smb restart

NOTE if you want to list the samba users you can do

cat /etc/samba/smbpasswd
cd /users
rm -rf bboy
cd /users
mkdir bboy
cp otherUser/* bboy/
cp otherUser/.cshrc bboy/
cp otherUser/.login bboy/
chmod 755 bboy
chown -R bboy:bboy bboy
chmod 664 bboy/* bboy/.cshrc bboy/.login
vi /etc/group 
- find model and add the new user to allowed to access that account as comma separated list:
- enter "edit mode" by typing "i" then change the line to look like
- go back to command mode with <esc> key
- write and quit vi with command:
:wq <enter>

Note: An alternative terminal-based editor to vi is nano.

Making the drive mapping for the user

On the user's client machine they will need a drive mounting to the server.

Make the mount out to the end of the models directory such as say the “N” drive is mounted as:


Add a Model Account

This process must be done as root logged in through putty to the server

useradd -s /bin/csh -c "model1 model account" -d /models/model1 -u userIDFromOtherServer model1
passwd model1
vi /etc/group 
- find model and add samm and all users allowed to access that account as comma separated list:
- enter "edit mode" by typing "i" then change the line to look like
- go back to command mode with <esc> key
- write and quit vi with command:
:wq <enter>
cd /models
cp modelExample/*.init model1/
cp modelExample/*.links model1/
cp modelExample/.cshrc model1/
cp modelExample/.login model1/
chmod 770 model1
chmod g+s model1
chown -R model1:model1 model1
chmod 664 model1/* model1/.cshrc model1/.login

Prepare Model Directory Structure