Table of Contents

Model loading: When you have a simulator AND calibrator

Prepare for loading from inside Documenter

  1. Ensure the calibrator and simulator diagrams are synchronized
  2. Open the calibrator and simulator diagrams in Documenter
  3. In the simulator diagram, run one calculator forward
  4. In the calibrator diagram, touch the informants and measures to trigger the model to output the informants
    1. Go into any one informant under the informants tab and click OK
    2. Go into any measure under the measures tab and click OK
    3. Note: The calibrator versions of the informants and measures are the authority versions and the simulator ones may get out of sync
  5. In the calibrator diagram, run all calculators forward
  6. In the simulator diagram, run all calculators forward
  7. In the simulator diagram, run all calculators backward
  8. In the simulator diagram, create the loading files for SAMM
    1. Choose menu item SAMM > Loading files > Framework…
    2. Click “simulator with calibrator” button
    3. Make sure the “informants” check box is OFF!!
    4. Click OK
  9. In the calibrator diagram, create the loading files for SAMM
    1. Choose menu item SAMM > Loading files > Framework…
    2. Click “calibrator” button
    3. Make sure the “informants” check box is ON!!
    4. Click OK

Load model inside SAMM

  1. Open SAMM and login under model account
  2. Create a new model family
    1. Choose menu item MF Actions > Create OR right click in Model Families window and choose Create
    2. MB name” should be a string with no spaces or strange characters. It is often related to the ModelBase name in the root of the model but it does not have to be.
    3. Fill in an English description.
    4. Click OK
  3. Enter the Model Family by double clicking on it. A check mark appears in the Model Families window.
  4. Setup the default file path
    1. Choose menu item File > Set File Path…
    2. This is a unix style path so use forward slashes and direct it to the location of the simulator files (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/sim)
  5. Load the simulator and calibrator frameworks
    1. Choose menu item FW Actions > Load OR right click and select Load (note the location is what you set in step 4)
    2. MB name: MUST be the model base name from the root of the simulation diagram, give it the description “sim”
    3. Click OK to load the simulation framework
    4. Choose menu item File > Set File Path… and direct it to the location of the calibrator files (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/cal)
    5. Choose menu item FW Actions > Load OR right click and select Load again
    6. Enter the MB name from the calibration diagram, and enter “cal” as the description
    7. Activate the calibration framework check box
    8. Click OK to load the calibration framework
  6. Load informants
    1. Choose menu item Windows > Informants
    2. Choose menu item Informant Actions > Load OR right click in Informants window and select Load
    3. Ensure the file path points to the cal location (the path should read something like /models/tcteem/V5/cal/informs.samm)
    4. Click OK to load the informants

Run Calibration to Produce a History

This part of the process depends on your individual model. By convention we keep a loading recipe in the notes for the root node in the diagram. In Documentor right click on the root node and go to Properties, then choose the notes button. Here's a template of how to run the recipe and produce a hisotry:

  1. Load the views in the views window
    1. Setup the default file path to the views directory (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/cal/views)
    2. Choose menu item View Actions > Load OR right click and select Load
  2. Follow the recipe which will likely involve loading a source history, running some feedback views and saving scenarios as you go and the final one will be your tracking history.
  3. Evaluate history ins for your tracking history - this prepares all the calibrator inputs and data needed for the simulator to be run over historic time
    1. Right click on the tracking history scenario in the scenarios window and choose “Evaluate history inputs”
  4. Evaluate history outputs for your tracking history - this runs the simulator frame work over historic time and produces the history scenario
    1. Right click on the tracking history scenario in the scenarios window and choose “Evaluate history outputs”
    2. Name your historic scenario, we usually just use the name “history” - this will show up in the simulation frame work

Model loading: When you have a simulator ONLY

Prepare for loading from inside Documenter

  1. Open the simulator diagram in Documenter
  2. Touch the informants and measures to trigger the model to output the informants
    1. Go into any one informant under the informants tab and click OK
    2. Go into any measure under the measures tab and click OK
  3. Run all calculators forward
  4. Run all calculators backward
  5. Create the loading files for SAMM
    1. Choose menu item SAMM > Loading files > Framework…
    2. Click “simulator with calibrator” button
    3. Select the “informants” check box so that check box is ON
    4. Click OK

Load model inside SAMM

  1. Open SAMM and login under model account
  2. Create a new model family
    1. Choose menu item MF Actions > Create OR right click in Model Families window and choose Create
    2. MB name” should be a string with no spaces or strange characters. It is often related to the ModelBase name in the root of the model but it does not have to be.
    3. Fill in an English description.
    4. Click OK
  3. Enter the Model Family by double clicking on it. A check mark appears in the Model Families window.
  4. Setup the default file path
    1. Choose menu item File > Set File Path…
    2. This is a unix style path so use forward slashes and direct it to the location of the simulator files (e.g. /models/tcteem/V5/sim)
  5. Load the simulator framework
    1. Choose menu item FW Actions > Load OR right click and select Load (note the location is what you set in step 4)
    2. MB name: MUST be the model base name from the root of the simulation diagram, give it the description “sim”
  6. Load informants
    1. Choose menu item Windows > Informants
    2. Right click and select Load (path should be correct because of 5c)
    3. Adjust the file location if it is incorrect (should be something like /models/tcteem/V5/sim/informs.samm)