Display views - read-only views which manipulate and present scenario data, and can be though of as reporting scripts - are generally most useful when they support multiple scenarios for comparison alongside each another.

Below is an example of a simple multi-scenario display view which calculates average energy intensities across states. Note the use of:

view energyUsed[st,ind,ts][]
view GDP[st,ind,ts][]

boolean $answer
if $history == false
	say ("This view requires a history.")
	listen ("                              enter to continue >> ",$answer)
	quit (-1)

localview energyUsed_T[ind,ts][]
localview GDP_T[ind,ts][]
localview energyInt[ind,ts][]

say ("working on")
integer $i
for $i from 1 upto $numScns
	say ("  ", $scnDescs[$i])

	energyUsed_T[ind,ts][$i] = sum (energyUsed[st,ind,ts][$i]; dim=state)
	GDP_T[ind,ts][$i] = sum (energyUsed[st,ind,ts][$i]; dim=state)
	energyInt[ind,ts][$i] = energyUsed_T[ind,ts][$i] / GDP_T[ind,ts][$i]


graph (energyInt[ind,ts][all]; \
	window1=$numScns, \
	objColours=$scnColours[all], \
	title1="Average energy intensity in BTU/$")