Table of Contents

Overview of reading data

Framing the problem

On the face of it, reading (or importing) data into a model is straightforward. An input target object is filled with data from one or more source files (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Figure 1 - Import process

However, in practice there are complicating factors such as:

Therefore, some data processing is required to bridge the gap between the source data and the target object. This can be accomplished in a number of ways - one approach is shown in Figure 2. Here the source files are assembled and processed through a script (or view, in whatIf terminology) written in TOOL.

Figure 2
Figure 2 - Importing and processing source data with a view

Embedding a large amount of processing logic in a view - as opposed to a framework diagram - has drawbacks, one being reduced transparency. To mitigate this the diagram structure can be “grown” further back to “meet” the source data as exemplified in Figure 3. Note that import views 2) are still required but compared to the implied view logic of Figure 2, the views in Figure 3 are oriented more towards simply importing and less towards processing.

Figure 3 - Importing source data with views; processing with diagram model structure

In some special cases, additional pre-processing is performed using another language or tool (e.g. awk, PERL, R). Or, if the pre-processing task is sufficiently large and complex, a separate whatIf model framework might be developed (often called a database model).

The problem described here is encountered at several points within the broader model development cycle - most intensively in the data assembly and calibration stage, involving historical data - but also during scenario creation with external forecasts and projections. The target objects are defined during the initial model design stage.

Import "channels"

Marcus to flesh out this and the section below. FIXME

Most of the articles in this section are oriented towards ultimately getting data into diagram-based objects loaded in SAMM.

Point out some of the differences between the channels (e.g. stand-alone scripts don't have arrays of tool objects, indexes, etc; availability of informants)

Considerations and best practices

The term set is used here for simplicity. The term informant in whatIf terminology is the most general description for that which defines a classifying dimension for one or more objects. A set is a type of informant - there are also sequence and category -type informants. Category in its narrow whatIf context - the definition of permissible combinations of multiple informants - should not be confused with its broader meaning of classifying entity, similar to an element within a set.
Although multiple view arrows are shown, in practice the import procedures are likely to be condensed into a single view