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Key CityInSight Views

Modelbase Name View Description Comments
Model-Wide Summaries
emissionsRpt report emissions at various aggregations View projected emissions in different formats with user-specified sector and fuel categorizations
view options
How do you want to interact with the view? 1) No questions just take all defaults
2) Run interactively asking questions
What end year would you like to terminate the display at? default = 2051
Do you wish to exclude emissions from biogenic sources? [y] default = y
Do you want to roll up the GHG emissions types? (y/n) default = y
What units do you want to use? 1) tonne
2) kilotonne
3) megatonne
Which result do you you want to see? 1) energy high level aggregation
2) fully disaggregated
3) energy custom
4) none - quit

Custom mappings are stored under /models/cityInSight/V1/[city name]/viewData/reportingAggMaps/mapToAggEm.csv
If energy custom aggregation chosen:
Which fuel types have special mappings?
1) Diesel (incl bio)
2) Motor gas (incl ethonol)
3) None (default)

Special fuel type mappings are stored under /models/cityInSight/V1/[city name]/viewData/reportingAggMaps/mapToAgg_[diesel or mogas].csv
How do you wish to handle fuel types? 1) Roll fuel types together
2) Report fuel types separately
3) Report fuel types as custom aggregation

Custom mappings are stored under /models/cityInSight/V1/[city name]/viewData/reportingAggMaps/fuelTypeMap.csv
How do you want to view the data? 1) Report data using Graph (default)
2) Report data using Table
3) Export Data to .csv

If more than one option is selected, reports will appear in sequence
energyRpt View projected energy use in different formats with user-specified sector, fuel, and end use categorizations
view options
How do you want to interact with the view? 1) No questions just take all defaults
2) Run interactively asking questions
What end year would you like to terminate the display at? (2011..2061) default = 2051
Which result do you you want to see? 1) energy high level aggregation
2) fully disaggregated
3) energy custom with end uses
4) energy custom without end uses
5) none - quit

Custom mappings are stored under /models/cityInSight/V1/viewData/reportingAggMaps/mapToAgg.csv

Custom end use mappings are stored under /models/cityInSight/V1/viewData/reportingAggMaps/endUseMap.csv
If energy custom aggregation chosen:
Which fuel types have special mappings?
1) Diesel (incl bio)
2) Motor gas (incl ethonol)
3) None (default)

Special fuel type mappings are stored under /models/cityInSight/V1/viewData/reportingAggMaps/mapToAgg_[diesel or mogas].csv
How do you wish to handle fuel types? 1) Roll fuel types together
2) Report fuel types separately
3) Report fuel types as custom aggregation

Custom mappings are stored under /models/cityInSight/V1/viewData/reportingAggMaps/fuelTypeMap.csv
How do you want to view the data? 1) Report data using Graph (default)
2) Report data using Table
3) Export Data to .csv

If more than one option is selected, reports will appear in sequence
What units do you want to use to display the data? 1) PJ - petajoule
2) GJ - gigajoule
analysisEnergyUse Analysis - energy use Various reports of energy use
2) energy maps
1) stationary energy use (TJ) Zonal map of total stationary energy use by sector (total, residential, non-residential) from 2011 to 2050
2) stationary energy gross density (GJ / hectare)Zonal map of total stationary energy density by sector (total, residential, non-residential) from 2011 to 2050
9) stationary energy intensity (MJ / sqm)Zonal map of stationary energy intensity by sector (total, residential, non-residential) from 2011 to 2051
End use sectors
analysisBuildings Maps of building-related state and growth
view options
1) geomap residential building density Choropleth maps of dwelling unit densities. Total (state) and accumulated new.
Single-scenario support only.
2) geomap non residential floorspace density Choropleth maps of non-residential floorspace densities. Total (state) and accumulated new.
Single-scenario support only.
bldgsByYearblt Analysis - buildings by year built Provides a breakdown of the number of buildings, dwelling units, and floorspace by zone, type, and year built in a series of tables.
analysisPopEmp Choropleth maps of:
- population density
- employment density
- combined population and employment density
analysisTrans Various passenger transportation results and statistics
view options
2) personal transportation summary Displays graphs and then tables of:
- Daily person trips
- Mode Share
- Average vehicle trip length by purpose
- Average vehicle trip length
- Annual passenger VKT by purpose geographic (75% ext)
- Annual passenger VKT by purpose induced (50% ext)
- Average annual passenger VKT per resident vehicle
3) geomap mode shares Choropleth maps of mode share of trip ends. Internal trips only.
Single-scenario support only.
5) geomap passenger VKT Choropleth maps of:
- home-based VKT by zone from
- home-based VKT per capita by zone from.
Internal trips only.
Single-scenario support only.
transSecEnrUseRpt FIXME Marcus to put in steps for stock report
cityinsight/v1/key_cityinsight_views.1496170037.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/05/30 18:47 by marcus.williams