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Feedback views

Declaring in views.samm

Declare the feedback view in views.samm:

fbview trackEU compare trackEU.v trackEU.t “Tracking Energy Use“ 20 0.001

where the line contains the following parameters:

type of view (= fbview)
view name
model scope
.v file name
.t file name
default number of iterations
convergence tolerance


Here is an example of the .v and .t files for a simple feedback view that modifies a model input until the model output matches some given “golden” value in the last time slice.


varToAdjust F
modelCalculatedVal	U
goldenValToTrackOn	U


creview varToAdjust[dims][]
view modelCalculatedVal[dims][]
view goldenValToTrackOn[dims][]

! $fbViewIteration
! $fbViewMaxIters
! $fbViewTolerance

if $background == false
	say ("This view requires a background.")
	quit (-1)

! make sure to manually crate this directory
string $persistence = $home + "/V3/cal/views/persistence/viewName"

local goldenToModelRatio[dims] = goldenValToTrackOn[dims][1] / modelCalculatedVal[dims][1]

if $fbViewIteration == 1
	say ("Iteration: 1")

	! Make your adjustment for the first iteration -- in this case we will decrease the value by some percent ...this is just an example
	local percentDecrease_bck[dims] = create (; dimFrom1=varToAdjust[dims][1], dim=SEQ;time:1981:2006:1;year, data=1)
	local percentDecrease_scn[dims] = copyshape (percentDecrease_bck[dims])
	percentDecrease_scn[dims] = table (;with=percentDecrease_bck[dims], title="..enter required percent decrease..")

	varToAdjust[dims][2] = percentDecrease_scn[dims] / 100 * -1 + 1 * varToAdjust[dims][1]
	export (percentDecrease_scn[dims]; format=tool, file=$persistence/percentDecreaseScnLI)
	export (goldenToModelRatio[dims]; format=tool, file=$persistence/goldenToModelRatio)
	quit (1)
	say ("Iteration: ", $fbViewIteration)
	! pull in the data from the first iteration (and or the last iteration depending on how you save the data)
	local goldenToModelRatioOrig[dims] = copyshape (goldenToModelRatio[dims])
	goldenToModelRatioOrig[dims] = import (; format=tool, dataFile=$persistence/goldenToModelRatio)
	local goldenToModelRatioLI[dims] = goldenToModelRatio[dims]

	local percentDecreaseScnLI[dims] = create (; dimFrom1=varToAdjust[dims][1], dim=SEQ;time:1981:2006:1; year, data=10)
	percentDecreaseScnLI[dims] = import (; format=tool, dataFile=$persistence/percentDecreaseScnLI)

	! Calculate the adjusted variable value 
	local ratioDiff[dims] = percentDecreaseScnLI[dims] - goldenToModelRatioOrig[dims]

	local percentDecrease_scn[dims] = 1 - goldenToModelRatioOrig[dims * percentDecreaseScnLI[dims] / ratioDiff[dims]

	varToAdjust[dims][2] = percentDecrease_scn[dims] / 100 * -1 + 1 * varToAdjust[dims][1]
	export (percentDecrease_scn[dims]; format=tool, file=$persistence/percentDecreaseScnLI)

	!check tolerances for convergence 
	!**NOTE** this one only checks for convergence in the last year!
	local tol[] = create(; data=$fbViewTolerance)
	local numNotConv[] = sum (boolgt (abs (extract (goldenToModelRatio[dims]; time:-0, shrink=on) - 1), tol[]))
	integer $numNotConv
	getobjinfo(numNotConv[], $numNotConv; info=dataElement)

	if ($numNotConv == 0) or ($fbViewIteration == $fbViewMaxIters)
		if (
		mumble ("   numNotConv = ", $numNotConv, " at iteration ",$fbViewIteration, " stopping due to ")
		if ($numNotConv == 0)
			say ("convergence")
			say ("maximum iterations")
		say ("   numNotConv = ", $numNotConv, " at iteration ",$fbViewIteration, " continuing")
		quit (1)
howtos/toolcoding/feedback_views.1260803932.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/12/14 15:18 by shona.weldon