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Prepare initialization views

  • Null Scenario - This is useful to put 0's in all your data just to get a first scenario
  1. In Documenter choose menu item Samm/View Scripts/General
    1. click “control”, “allCalculators”, “variable list”, and TOOL code
    2. set the tool name to “assign”
  2. Hit O.K and save the files in your cal/views directory call them nullScn.v and nullScn.t
  3. Edit the .t file and change all the “assign (…) to 0.0”:
    1. The following search and replace regular expression for the search works well in edit pad. Use replace string 0
 assign \([a-z|A-Z|0-9|_]*\[[a-z|A-Z|0-9|,|_|\-\>]*\] 
  1. Finally you need to replace “[1]; )” with“”
howtos/typical_initview.1274883751.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/05/26 14:22 by shona.weldon