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Many views require that a history be selected (if running in a simulator) and/or a background scenario be picked in. In these cases a section of code near the top of the view - following the object declarations - is used to check that the required history and/or background is in place. If not in place the code advises the user and quits.

Common code sections are listed below.

Simulator - history and background required

boolean $answer
if $history == false
	say ("This view requires a history.")
	listen ("                              enter to continue >> ",$answer)
	quit (-1)
if $background == false
	say ("This view requires a background scenario.")
	listen ("                              enter to continue >> ",$answer)
	quit (-1)

FIXME - do we have a best practice on the quit() return code?

Simulator - history required, background optional

if $history == false
	say ("this view must be run with a history")
	quit (1)

integer $index
if $background == false
	$index = 2
	$index = 3

Note the use of $index for indexing the appropriate view.

howtos/toolcoding/common_history_and_background_checks.1284950254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/09/20 02:37 by marcus.williams