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Creating Empty Import Templates

With this method, the template will contain zeros for all data in the variable.

  1. Right click on variable to import
  2. Select Create Variable Instance > Microsoft Excel
  3. Save Excel spreadsheet to use as a template for future imports

Creating Populated Import Templates

With this method, the template will contain existing values from the selected scenario. The user can then overwrite particular values as necessary.

  1. Ensure that one and only one scenario is selected
  2. Right click on variable to import
  3. Select See Variable > Microsoft Excel
  4. Save Excel spreadsheet to use as a template for future imports

Using Import Templates

  1. Open Excel template and enter data for variable
  2. Save Excel spreadsheet as tab-delimited text file with the variable name
  3. Create an import view that uses that text file (see General View Writing for information on how to create views)
howtos/workwithdata/creating_import_templates.1263913943.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/19 15:12 by deryn.crockett