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trainingtutorial:samm_concepts_and_mechanics [2014/09/22 15:14]
marcus.williams [Configuration Notes]
trainingtutorial:samm_concepts_and_mechanics [2014/09/22 15:15] (current)
marcus.williams [Configuration Notes]
Line 117: Line 117:
   * In the //SAMM// application,​ go to //File | Preferences...//​. Go to the //Graph// tab and uncheck //black background//​.   * In the //SAMM// application,​ go to //File | Preferences...//​. Go to the //Graph// tab and uncheck //black background//​.
   * In the //SAMM// application,​ go to //Edit | Edit Colours...//​ and press the //White Background//​ button (the displayed colours will change) and //​OK//​. ​   * In the //SAMM// application,​ go to //Edit | Edit Colours...//​ and press the //White Background//​ button (the displayed colours will change) and //​OK//​. ​
-  * In the //Graph// application,​ go to //Edit | Edit Colours...//​ and press the //White Background//​ button (the displayed colours will change) and //OK//. 
 ===== Creating New Instances and Scenarios ===== ===== Creating New Instances and Scenarios =====
trainingtutorial/samm_concepts_and_mechanics.1411398853.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/09/22 15:14 by marcus.williams