Table of Contents

Getting project specific paths

This method was originally constructed to allow for the export of data for different projects to be grouped together in one common spot. For example in caness there is an export directory /models/caness/exportData and under that there are sub-directories, one for each project and appended to the project name is the model family name from which the data was exported and finally that directory is subdivided by subject area of the files like commercial, industrial etc. One particular example:


This method of path naming has now been overloaded to also handle when a view may want to read and write parameter type data for it's running which is specific to a particular project. Which unfortunately means some confusion in the naming of the parts of the path. Please keep in mind the above structure as you read on.


How To

For exporting files as results for a project

There is a sub routine called getProjectExportPath_v2.t (potentially updated version number over time). That subroutine takes the following as inputs/outputs:

	buildstring ($exportDataDirRoot, $modelHome, "/", "/exportData/") 

For saving view data

There is a sub routine called getProjectExportPath_v2.t (potentially updated version number over time). That subroutine takes the following as inputs/outputs:

	buildstring ($viewInputsStorePath, $modelHome, "/", $modelVersion, "/viewData/IndividualViews/")