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User Training Exercises

Demographics & Economy

  1. Use the graph tool to visually estimate the population of:
    1. 36-year old males in New Brunswick in 1991
    2. 36-year old females in New Brunswick in 1991
    3. 36-year old males and females (totaled) in New Brunswick in 1991
    4. New Brunswick in 1991 (totaled over all ages and both genders)
    5. Saskatchewan for the reference scenario's projection in 2042
  2. Repeat exercise 1 but using the table tool rather than graph.
  3. Ontario's population grew between 1996 and 2006. How much did it grow, and of that growth how much was due to net natural growth, and how much was due to net immigration?
  4. With respect to GDP per capita in 2010, which were the top three provinces?
  5. Which three provinces had the highest industrial pulp and paper Gross Output (GO) in 2010?


  1. What was the total residential electricity energy use for Canada in 2010? For Manitoba?
  2. Name 3 variables which factor into the calculation of the stock of dwellings?
  3. Plot a graph of the distribution of single detached dwellings over thermal archtype for Ontario. Select years 1990, 2010 and 2030 (reference scenario).
  4. Display historical and (reference) projected data for the new (marginal) share of:
    1. heat systems
    2. water heaters
    3. lightbulbs


  1. Of Ontario's light duty vehicle fleet, what was the share of cars vs. light trucks 1980? In 2010?
  2. In 2010, how did the average distance travelled of a combination tractor vary with vehicle age? Plot a graph.
  3. Describe the sequence of calculations from families to passenger KMs.
    1. sub question about a specific auto mode share

Something about fuel consumption intensity by MY FIXME

Commercial Buildings

  1. How much energy was used for cooling retail space in Saskatchewan in 2007?
  2. Something about heat gains (connectivity type question).

Some explanation of input and output energy, ratios, etc. Link to middle docs. FIXME

Industrial (Non-Fuel Producing)

  1. How much refined petroleum product (RPP) fuel was used by the cement industry across Canada in 2010?
  2. With respect to the chemicals industry in Alberta in 2010:
    1. What was the total electricity production (MWh)?
    2. Of that, how much was “own use” production and how much was put out to the grid?
    3. How much cogeneration heat was available?

Something about feedstock use (e.g. NG in fertilizer production). Explain that fertilizer is split out from other OISes) FIXME

Electricity Generation

  1. What was the installed utility-owned wind electricity generating capacity (MW) in Alberta in 2008? What was the corresponding electricity generation, and capacity factor?

something about coal decommissioning

something about cogen

something about deployment of wind

something about elec trade (e.g. muskrat falls coming online)

Energy Production

  1. Something about crude oil use in refineries? FIXME
  2. Which province has the highest natural gas feedstock intensity for refined petroleum production?

Primary Resources

  1. Which province produced the most natural gas in 2010? In the reference scenario which province will produce the most natural gas in 2040?


  1. How much light-medium crude oil was produced in Newfoundland & Labrador in 2010? How much of that production was consumed in other provinces, and how much was exported out of Canada?
  2. How much synthetic crude oil was produced in Alberta in 2010? How much of that production was consumed in other provinces, and how much was exported out of Canada?
  3. How much motor gasoline was produced in refineries Quebec in 2010? How much of that production was consumed in other provinces, and how much was exported out of Canada?

Solutions to Exercises

Solutions, hints and notes for selected exercises are provided.

caness/training_exercises.1408380263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/18 16:44 by marcus.williams