Move scenarios from old server to new
This is for when you need to export scenario data from one sever and import it into a new server. The general process is to make a set of directories to export the data into, then do the export, copy the data to the new server and finally do an import.
Here are the technical steps:
cd /models/myModel/
cp -r data oldModelScns
rm oldModelScns/*/*.db
Do the export from samm
Login into the old model with SAMM
set the file path to /models/myModel/oldModelScns
Go to the scenario of interest, right click and export
Change the variable suffix to something related to the scenario name with no spaces or special characters
click OK
copy (through drag and drop probably) the oldModelScns directory to the root of the new model
Go into the new model (maybe on the new server) with SAMM
Import the scenarios
set file path to the location of the scenarios within the new model
open the worksheet window from the windows menu
right click and choose load
fill in the import script name which will be something like “import.oldscnearioname.samm” - to check for the name look in the oldModelScns directory.
Save the scenario with a new name