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Move scenarios from old server to new

This is for when you need to export scenario data from one sever and import it into a new server. The general process is to make a set of directories to export the data into, then do the export, copy the data to the new server and finally do an import.

Here are the technical steps:

  • Login with putty to the old server and go to the root of the model in which see your data, informants, sim and cal directories
  cd /models/myModel/
  1. copy the “data” directory which is used by Documentor and has all the sub directories for the calculators to a new directory with an appropriate name like oldModelScns
  cp -r data oldModelScns
howtos/admin/move_scenarios_from_old_server_to_new.1264002369.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/20 15:46 by yantao.liu