A typical calibration problem is to get the model results to track on something while tweaking a variable. The approach described here attempts to minimize the difference over time between the model variable and some given tracking variable.
Here is the code for the .t file for the feed back view. The example implementation was to change the unitTA variable such that the difference between the model calculated space conditioning energy use and the energy use left over from the Stats Can total energy use minus the non-space conditioning energy use is minimized.
Instructions on how to customize the file for your situation is right in the top of the file.
! ** This is a generic bracketing feedback view that does a divide and conquer approach ** ! ** REQUIREMENTS:** ! ** It requires a min and max starting value which bound the problem ** ! ** ALGORITHM:** ! ** 1. It divides the solution space into 5 evaluation positions, runs the model at each place and ** ! ** chooses the position that minimizes the root mean squared difference between the model estimate ** ! ** and the target ** ! ** 2. It then reduces the step size in half, chooses 5 more points centered on the best result from ** ! ** the last evaluation and then runs the model (as needed) to get the result at these 5 new positions** ! ** 3. Repeats the process of finding the min of the 5 points and sets up 5 more points until ** ! ** the step size as a ratio of the best guess is less than the feedback view tolerance ** ! ** HOW TO CUSTOMIZE FOR YOUR PROBLEM ** ! ** 1. Search through the file for BEGIN USER MUST ADJUST HERE and adjust the code for your variables creview unitTA[cr][] view EUSpCTotal[cr,rfts,th][] view SCEULeftForSC[cr,rfts,th][] boolean $continue if $numScns == 0 say ("This view requires a starting scenario.") listen (" enter to continue >> ",$continue) quit (-1) endif ! ** BEGIN USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** local modelEst[upperDim,otherDims] = EUSpCTotal[cr,rfts,th][1] local target[upperDim,otherDims] = SCEULeftForSC[cr,rfts,th][1] ! sum up the "other dims" local diff[upperDim] = sum (target[upperDim,otherDims] - modelEst[upperDim,otherDims]; dim1=resFuelTypeSim, dim2=time) local outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = copyshape (unitTA[cr][2]) ! ** END USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** !integer $fbViewIteration readOnly !integer $fbViewMaxIters readOnly !real $fbViewTolerance readOnly local tolerance[] = create (; data=$fbViewTolerance) ! Declare keep variables keep xm[upperDim,xm] keep currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] keep currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] keep rmsq[upperDim,xm] keep rmsqLastEval[upperDim,xm] keep x_min[upperDim,auxDims] keep x_max[upperDim,auxDims] keep doEvaluation[] keep lastGuessNumber[] keep numEvalsCompleted[] say ("") say (" processing for iteration ",$fbViewIteration) if ($fbViewIteration == 1) ! ** NOTE: If there is more than one upper dimension the following block of code must be adjusted accordingly *** ! Setup shapes and initialize keep variables !set up the mesh points xm[upperDim,xm] = cumsum (create (; dimFrom1=diff[upperDim], dim=SEQ;xm:1:5:1;xmStep, data=1); multiplyEntity=off) !get initial guess from the backeting values which you must know currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = copyshape (outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] * xm[upperDim,xm]) currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] = copyshape (sum (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm])) local rm[upperDim,xm] = changeshape (copyshape (diff[upperDim]); addDim2From2=xm[upperDim,xm]) rmsq[upperDim,xm] = copyshape (rm[upperDim,xm] * rm[upperDim,xm]) ! ** BEGIN USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** ! The [1] object indices assume calibration; for simulation views increment accordingly x_min[upperDim,auxDims] = copyshape (unitTA[cr][1]) x_min[upperDim,auxDims] = 0.000001 x_max[upperDim,auxDims] = copyshape (unitTA[cr][1]) x_max[upperDim,auxDims] = 0.000010 ! ** END USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** say (" get initial 5 guesses and set independent variable to guess 1") local currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = copyshape (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (x_min[upperDim,auxDims]; xm:1) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (x_max[upperDim,auxDims]; xm:5) currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = linint (currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) !get initial mesh step currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] = x_max[upperDim,auxDims] - x_min[upperDim,auxDims] / 4 outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:1, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = 1 doEvaluation[] = 0 numEvalsCompleted[] = 0 skipto lastStepQuit1 endif if ($fbViewIteration > 1) integer $lastGuessNumber getobjinfo (lastGuessNumber[], $lastGuessNumber; info=dataElement) say (" get function for guess position ", $lastGuessNumber) rmsq[upperDim,xm] = insert (diff[upperDim] * diff[upperDim]; xm:$lastGuessNumber) ! display (rmsq[upperDim,xm]) !helpful if debugging endif if ($fbViewIteration > 1) and ($fbViewIteration <= 5) say (" set independent variable to guess ",$fbViewIteration) outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:$fbViewIteration, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = $fbViewIteration if ($fbViewIteration==5) doEvaluation[] = 1 endif skipto lastStepQuit1 endif integer $doEvaluation getobjinfo (doEvaluation[], $doEvaluation; info=dataElement) if $doEvaluation == 1 say (" processing for iteration ",$fbViewIteration) say (" **do an evaluation**") !do evaluation here and get next guesses") !get best guess local minValue[upperDim], coordAtMin[upperDim,V], coordAtMin1[upperDim] minValue[upperDim], coordAtMin[upperDim,V] = coordmin (rmsq[upperDim,xm]; numDims=1) coordAtMin1[upperDim] = extract (coordAtMin[upperDim,V]; coord:+0, shrink=on) local isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm], currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims], rmsq_atCurrentGuess[upperDim] isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] = booleq (xm[upperDim,xm], coordAtMin1[upperDim]) currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] = sum (isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] * currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; dim=xm) rmsq_atCurrentGuess[upperDim] = sum (isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] * rmsq[upperDim,xm]; dim=xm) !display (coordAtMin1[upperDim], minValue[upperDim]) !helpful when debugging local numEvalsCompletedx[] = numEvalsCompleted[] numEvalsCompleted[] = numEvalsCompletedx[] + 1 integer $numEvalsCompleted getobjinfo (numEvalsCompleted[], $numEvalsCompleted; info=dataElement) say (" number of evaluations completed ",$numEvalsCompleted) if ($numEvalsCompleted > 1) ! Can look at last evaluations results compared to this one then store this one for future comparisons ! table (rmsqLastEval[upperDim,xm], rmsq[upperDim,xm]) endif rmsqLastEval[upperDim,xm] = rmsq[upperDim,xm] !check for stoping local numberNotConverged[] = sum (boolgt (abs (2 * currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] / currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims]), \ tolerance[]); dim=all) integer $numberNotConverged getobjinfo (numberNotConverged[], $numberNotConverged; info=dataElement, default=1) if ($numberNotConverged == 0) or ($fbViewIteration == $fbViewMaxIters) if ($numberNotConverged == 0) say (" stopping by convergence at iteration ",$fbViewIteration ) endif if ($fbViewIteration == $fbViewMaxIters) say (" stopping by reaching maximum iterations ",$fbViewIteration ) say (" number not converged is ",$numberNotConverged) endif outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] skipto lastStepQuit0 else say (" set new guesses for points 1 3 and 5") local currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = copyshape (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims]; xm:3) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (max (currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] - currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims], x_min[upperDim,auxDims]); xm:1) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (min (currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] + currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims], x_max[upperDim,auxDims]); xm:5) currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = linint (currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) local currentMeshStepx[upperDim,auxDims] = currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] / 2 currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] = currentMeshStepx[upperDim,auxDims] !get new rmsq by putting the best guess in the middle, the guess one below as the new min, and !the one above as the new max local rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = copyshape (rmsq[upperDim,xm]) rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = insert (rmsq_atCurrentGuess[upperDim]; xm:3) local isThisCoord[upperDim,xm], guess[upperDim,auxDims], rmsq_atGuess[upperDim] isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] = booleq (max (coordAtMin1[upperDim] - 1, 1), xm[upperDim,xm]) guess[upperDim,auxDims] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; dim=xm) rmsq_atGuess[upperDim] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * rmsq[upperDim,xm]; dim=xm) rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = insert (rmsq_atGuess[upperDim]; xm:1) isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] = booleq (min (coordAtMin1[upperDim] + 1, 5), xm[upperDim,xm]) guess[upperDim,auxDims] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; dim=xm) rmsq_atGuess[upperDim] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * rmsq[upperDim,xm]; dim=xm) rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = insert (rmsq_atGuess[upperDim]; xm:5) rmsq[upperDim,xm] = rmsqx[upperDim,xm] !this leaves only xm=2,4 to be calculated before getting next minimum say (" set independent variable to guess 2") outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:2, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = 2 doEvaluation[] = 0 skipto lastStepQuit1 endif else if ($fbViewIteration == $fbViewMaxIters) say (" stopping by reaching maximum iterations ",$fbViewIteration ) say (" **do a final evaluation**") !do evaluation here and get next guesses") !get best guess local minValue[upperDim], coordAtMin[upperDim,V], coordAtMin1[upperDim] minValue[upperDim], coordAtMin[upperDim,V] = coordmin (rmsq[upperDim,xm]; numDims=1) coordAtMin1[upperDim] = extract (coordAtMin[upperDim,V]; coord:+0, shrink=on) local isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm], currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims], rmsq_atCurrentGuess[upperDim] isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] = booleq (xm[upperDim,xm], coordAtMin1[upperDim]) currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] = sum (isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] * currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; dim=xm) outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] skipto lastStepQuit0 else say (" set independent variable to guess 4") outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:4, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = 4 doEvaluation[] = 1 skipto lastStepQuit1 endif endif ! ** BEGIN USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** lastStepQuit0: unitTA[cr][2] = outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] quit (0) lastStepQuit1: unitTA[cr][2] = outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] quit (1) ! ** END USER MUST ADJUST HERE **
creview themCondC[uss,usdt,rsta][] creview useExoThemCond[][] view themSurfAreaCond[uss,usdt,rsta][] view detEUSpC[uss,usdt,usrft->usreud,th][] view resEnrEndUseSEDSandRECSEst[uss,usrft->usreu,t19912008][] boolean $continue if $numScns == 0 say ("This view requires a starting scenario.") listen (" enter to continue >> ",$continue) quit (-1) endif keep mode[] keep firstIterForCurMode[] keep fbViewMaxItersCurMode[] if ($fbViewIteration == 1) mode[] = 1 firstIterForCurMode[] = 1 fbViewMaxItersCurMode[] = 40 endif integer $mode getobjinfo (mode[], $mode; info=dataElement) integer $firstIterForCurMode getobjinfo (firstIterForCurMode[], $firstIterForCurMode; info=dataElement) integer $firstIterForCurModeP4 $firstIterForCurModeP4 = $firstIterForCurMode + 4 integer $fbViewMaxItersCurMode getobjinfo (fbViewMaxItersCurMode[], $fbViewMaxItersCurMode; info=dataElement) if (mode == 1) ! ** BEGIN USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** local modelEst[upperDim,otherDims] = sum (extract (mapcat (detEUSpC[uss,usdt,usrft->usreud,th][1]; \ dim=usrftCOusreud); \ USResEndUseDet:spaceHeating, time:$firstCompYr..$lastCompYr, shrink=on); \ dim=USDwellType) local target[upperDim,otherDims] = extract (mapcat (resEnrEndUseSEDSandRECSEst[uss,usrft->usreu,t19912008][1]; \ dim=usrftCOusreu); \ USResEndUse:spaceHeating, shrink=on) ! sum up the "other dims" local diff[upperDim] = sum (target[upperDim,otherDims] - modelEst[upperDim,otherDims]; dim1=USResFuelType, dim2=time) local outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = copyshape (themCondC[uss,usdt,rsta][2]) ! ** END USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** !integer $fbViewIteration readOnly !integer $fbViewMaxIters readOnly !real $fbViewTolerance readOnly local tolerance[] = create (; data=$fbViewTolerance) ! Declare keep variables keep xm[upperDim,xm] keep currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] keep currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] keep rmsq[upperDim,xm] keep rmsqLastEval[upperDim,xm] keep x_min[upperDim,auxDims] keep x_max[upperDim,auxDims] keep doEvaluation[] keep lastGuessNumber[] keep numEvalsCompleted[] say ("") say (" processing for iteration ",$fbViewIteration) if ($fbViewIteration == $firstIterForCurMode) ! Setup shapes and initialize keep variables !set up the mesh points xm[upperDim,xm] = cumsum (create (; dimFrom1=diff[upperDim], dim=SEQ;xm:1:5:1;xmStep, data=1); multiplyEntity=off) !get initial guess from the backeting values which you must know currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = copyshape (outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] * xm[upperDim,xm]) currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] = copyshape (sum (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm])) local rm[upperDim,xm] = changeshape (copyshape (diff[upperDim]); addDim2From2=xm[upperDim,xm]) rmsq[upperDim,xm] = copyshape (rm[upperDim,xm] * rm[upperDim,xm]) ! ** BEGIN USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** local HOURPerDay[] = create (; entity=HOUR/day, data=24) x_min[upperDim,auxDims] = themSurfAreaCond[upperDim,auxDims][1] / HOURPerDay[] / 2 x_max[upperDim,auxDims] = themSurfAreaCond[upperDim,auxDims][1] / HOURPerDay[] * 5 ! ** END USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** say (" get initial 5 guesses and set independent variable to guess 1") local currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = copyshape (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (x_min[upperDim,auxDims]; xm:1) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (x_max[upperDim,auxDims]; xm:5) currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = linint (currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) !get initial mesh step currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] = x_max[upperDim,auxDims] - x_min[upperDim,auxDims] / 4 outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:1, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = 1 doEvaluation[] = 0 numEvalsCompleted[] = 0 skipto lastStepQuit1 endif if ($fbViewIteration > $firstIterForCurMode) integer $lastGuessNumber getobjinfo (lastGuessNumber[], $lastGuessNumber; info=dataElement) say (" get function for guess position ", $lastGuessNumber) rmsq[upperDim,xm] = insert (diff[upperDim] * diff[upperDim]; xm:$lastGuessNumber) endif if ($fbViewIteration > $firstIterForCurMode) and ($fbViewIteration <= $firstIterForCurModeP4) integer $iter = $fbViewIteration - $firstIterForCurMode + 1 say (" set independent variable to guess ",$iter) outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:$iter, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = $iter if ($fbViewIteration == $firstIterForCurModeP4) doEvaluation[] = 1 endif skipto lastStepQuit1 endif integer $doEvaluation getobjinfo (doEvaluation[], $doEvaluation; info=dataElement) if $doEvaluation == 1 say (" processing for iteration ",$fbViewIteration) say (" **do an evaluation**") !do evaluation here and get next guesses") !get best guess local minValue[upperDim], coordAtMin[upperDim,V], coordAtMin1[upperDim] minValue[upperDim], coordAtMin[upperDim,V] = coordmin (rmsq[upperDim,xm]; numDims=1) coordAtMin1[upperDim] = extract (coordAtMin[upperDim,V]; coord:+0, shrink=on) local isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm], currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims], rmsq_atCurrentGuess[upperDim] isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] = booleq (xm[upperDim,xm], coordAtMin1[upperDim]) currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] = sum (isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] * currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; dim=xm) rmsq_atCurrentGuess[upperDim] = sum (isThisCoordCurrentBestGuess[upperDim,xm] * rmsq[upperDim,xm]; dim=xm) local numEvalsCompletedx[] = numEvalsCompleted[] numEvalsCompleted[] = numEvalsCompletedx[] + 1 integer $numEvalsCompleted getobjinfo (numEvalsCompleted[], $numEvalsCompleted; info=dataElement) say (" number of evaluations completed ",$fbViewIteration ) if ($numEvalsCompleted > 1) ! Can look at last evaluations results compared to this one then store this one for future comparisons ! table (rmsqLastEval[upperDim,xm], rmsq[upperDim,xm]) endif rmsqLastEval[upperDim,xm] = rmsq[upperDim,xm] !check for stoping local numberNotConverged[] = sum (boolgt (abs (2 * currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] / currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims]), tolerance[])) integer $numberNotConverged getobjinfo (numberNotConverged[], $numberNotConverged; info=dataElement, default=1) if ($numberNotConverged == 0) or ($fbViewIteration == $fbViewMaxItersCurMode) if ($numberNotConverged == 0) say (" stopping by convergence at iteration ",$fbViewIteration ) endif if ($fbViewIteration == $fbViewMaxIters) say (" stopping by reaching maximum iterations ",$fbViewIteration ) say (" number not converged is ",$numberNotConverged) endif outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] skipto lastStepQuit0 else say (" Num not converged: ", $numberNotConverged) say (" set new guesses for points 1 3 and 5") local currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = copyshape (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims]; xm:3) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (max (currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] - currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims], x_min[upperDim,auxDims]); xm:1) currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = insert (min (currentBestGuess[upperDim,auxDims] + currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims], x_max[upperDim,auxDims]); xm:5) currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm] = linint (currentGuessx[upperDim,auxDims,xm]) local currentMeshStepx[upperDim,auxDims] = currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] / 2 currentMeshStep[upperDim,auxDims] = currentMeshStepx[upperDim,auxDims] !get new rmsq by putting the best guess in the middle, the guess one below as the new min, and !the one above as the new max local rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = copyshape (rmsq[upperDim,xm]) rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = insert (rmsq_atCurrentGuess[upperDim]; xm:3) local isThisCoord[upperDim,xm], guess[upperDim,auxDims], rmsq_atGuess[upperDim] isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] = booleq (max (coordAtMin1[upperDim] - 1, 1), xm[upperDim,xm]) guess[upperDim,auxDims] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; dim=xm) rmsq_atGuess[upperDim] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * rmsq[upperDim,xm]; dim=xm) rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = insert (rmsq_atGuess[upperDim]; xm:1) isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] = booleq (min (coordAtMin1[upperDim] + 1, 5), xm[upperDim,xm]) guess[upperDim,auxDims] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; dim=xm) rmsq_atGuess[upperDim] = sum (isThisCoord[upperDim,xm] * rmsq[upperDim,xm]; dim=xm) rmsqx[upperDim,xm] = insert (rmsq_atGuess[upperDim]; xm:5) rmsq[upperDim,xm] = rmsqx[upperDim,xm] !this leaves only xm=2,4 to be calculated before getting next minimum say (" set independent variable to guess 2") outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:2, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = 2 doEvaluation[] = 0 skipto lastStepQuit1 endif else say (" set independent variable to guess 4") outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] = extract (currentGuess[upperDim,auxDims,xm]; xm:4, shrink=on) lastGuessNumber[] = 4 doEvaluation[] = 1 skipto lastStepQuit1 endif ! ** BEGIN USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** lastStepQuit0: themCondC[uss,usdt,rsta][2] = outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] useExoThemCond[][2] = 1 !NOTE IF THERE IS ANOTHER MODE YOU WOULD WANT TO SWITHCH THE MODE HERE AND RESET THE FOLLOWING: ! mode[] = 2 ! getobjinfo (mode[], $mode; info=dataElement) ! firstIterForCurMode[] = $fbViewIteration + 1 ! getobjinfo (firstIterForCurMode[], $firstIterForCurMode; info=dataElement) ! $firstIterForCurModeP4 = $firstIterForCurMode + 4 ! fbViewMaxItersCurMode[] = $fbViewIteration + 10 ! getobjinfo (fbViewMaxItersCurMode[], $fbViewMaxItersCurMode; info=dataElement) lastStepQuit1: themCondC[uss,usdt,rsta][2] = outputVar[upperDim,auxDims] useExoThemCond[][2] = 1 quit (1) ! ** END USER MUST ADJUST HERE ** endif !$mode == 1