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Training Tutorials


1. Your server is already configured with the whatIf? Accounts: tool, samm, and whatif.

2. There is a model or user account which can be used to do the tutorial modeling.

3. The whatIf? tutorial files have been installed under the model or user account that will be used during the tutorial. Please review Tutorial Setup for information on how to install these files.


Suggested Reading/Resources

Tutorial Summary

The first 3 progressively graded tutorials have been developed in the context of 3 simple frameworks that are progessively graded from simple to complex. Each tutorial builds on the former. They clearly show the steps involved in using the whatIf? environment.

In each of the first 3 tutorials you will be taken through the 6 basic chapters of framework (model) creation in the whatIf? software suite using the 3 whatif?components, Documentor, SAMM and TOOL.

  • For a Full whatIf? tutorial: use all chapters in each tutorial: Covering Documentor, SAMM and TOOL whatIf? applications.
  • For a SAMM tutorial: use chapters 5 and 6 in each tutorial: Covering SAMM and TOOL whatIf? applications

General Chapter Intents Within Each Tutorial

Building Model Structure

Documentor is used to build model diagrams and write TOOL code to perform the necessary math.

Chapter 1: Building the Structure - Documetor - The structure consisting in the relational structure, informants and object shapes is constructed.

Chapter 2: Building the TOOL code logic - Documetor - The TOOL code logic is constructed linking inputs to outputs.

Chapter 3: Dimensional Analysis - Documetor - The “dimensional analysis” for the model is completed. This tests the syntactic correctness of the TOOL code prior to any data assembly. This process makes full use of TOOL’s inhieritance properties.

Chapter 4: Loading File Generation - Documentor and SAMM - Generate the files that enable SAMM to realize the model.

Model Loading - Using SAMM

SAMM is used for scenario analysis and model management.

Chapter 5: Model Loading - SAMM - SAMM is used to load the model.

Data Loading (creating) and Scenario Construction - Using SAMM and TOOL

SAMM is used for scenario analysis and model management

Chapter 6: Data Loading and Viewing - SAMM and TOOL - There are various ways of loading (creating) scenario data. View Writting and Loading- SAMM and TOOL.

  • TOOL is used to write views to be loaded into SAMM.
  • Views are files of TOOL code that can be used to both numerically debrief model results as well as generate numerical assumptions.


  • Tutorial1 - A simple simulation of a cohort population model
  • Tutorial2 - An expanded version of the original population model using more features of Documentor
  • Tutorial3 - A calibrated cohort population model - adds the concept of a calibration diagram and binding to history
tutorials.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/27 15:52 by marcus.williams