
CanESS > Demographics > Population

The Population calculator contains three procedures: Net Immigration, Evolve Population and School Population.

(1) Net Immigration

Inputs Outputs
emigration (person/year) net international immigration (person/year)
immigration (person/year)

The Net Immigration procedure uses immigration (person/year) and the emigration (person/year) to calculate net international immigration (person/year). These variables are specified by region, gender, time and age. The net international immigration is passed on to Evolve Population.

(2) Evolve Population

Inputs Outputs
net international immigration (person / year)deaths (person / year)
base population (person)births (person/year)
total period fertility (/year)actual net international immigration (person/year)
births distribution (/year)internal movers (person/year)
gender shares at birth (/year)Canada region population (person) passsed Family Formation and Commercial Floor Space Population Age Related Buildings
mortality (/year)Canada total population (person) passed to Family Formation, Macro Economics, Food Biomass Requirements FIXME
international immigration mobility (/year)
internal immigration share (share per gender and age)

The evolve population procedure combines information on net international immigration (person / year), base population (person), total period fertility (/year), births distribution (/year), gender shares at birth (/year), mortality (/year), international immigration mobility (/year), and net immigration share (/year) to generate deaths (person/year), births (person/year), actual net international immigration (person/year), internal movers (person/year), and Canada region population (person) by region, gender, time and age. Canada region population is passed on to the calculators Family Formation and Commercial Floor Space Population Age Related Buildings.

It also provides the Canada total population (person) by region and time. This variable is passed on to the calculators Family Formation, Macro Economics, Food Biomass Requirements, Street Lighting Energy Use, Commercial Use Vehicle Stock, Commercial Floor Space Total Population Related, Commercial Floor Space Office, and Municipal Waste Biomass Production.

(3) School Population

Inputs Outputs
Canada region population (person)school age population (person)

The school population procedure derives the school age population (person) by region and time from the Canada region population (person). This variable is used in the calculator Passenger Kilometers by Mode.

CanESS Glossary